Sunday, December 14, 2014

My new student Dop

Hello there. The following is fiction....

My new student Dop is a typical 10th grader in terms of physical, emotional, cognitive, psychological, moral, and social development for his age. Here's a little more about him:

  • In terms of cognition, Dop demonstrates full abstract reasoning skills. He lacks direction sometimes, but has the ability to correctly explain how problems are solved. With focus, he shows higher-order thinking skills. His point-of-view is growing more diverse.
  • Rather than focusing on himself, Dop is focused mostly on peer relationships and on developing an individual, intimate relationship. His friends share similar interests, socio-economic status, and goals for the future. He has specialized interests in subjects such as music and sports.
  • Dop celebrates his sixteenth birthday soon. Physically, Dop is fully matured, although he may continue to grow for a couple of years. Females his age are fully matured and very concerned with body image, but as a male, Dop is less concerned with body image except in regards to finding a personal relationship.
  • Dop recognizes the social pressure to succeed and achieve. He realizes now that his grades, popularity, and success in school have an effect on his future. He feels some anxiety about his future, but tries to hide it. He is easily embarrassed when speaking in front of others, even when he is comfortable with the topic.
  • Dop is developing an understanding of morality and ethics. Many of Dop's peers are experimenting with risky behaviors and substance abuse, mostly related to pressure from peers. Like others his age, Dop places a higher significance on peer acceptance than adult approval.
  • Dop wishes to have his emerging independence respected. He sometimes questions authority. Psychologically, Dop is learning to be more reflective and self-aware.
This is going to be a great year for Dop. Can't wait!

See you soon,

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